Monday, May 19, 2014

Standard 6, Forth Quarter

This last quarter of high school has went by so fast! In A&P this quarter we did a lot of labs, one was the EKG lab where we measured heart waves and explored the different types of machines used to measure waves like and ECO and MRI. They second lab was to test the cardiovascular system during various exercises. Our last "lab" was actually a dissection of a cat!! I learned so much from this experience, not just parts of the body but how to memorize key words and put a "face" to the parts. Unfortunately I did have senior-ites and didn't get on the portfolio until the day of the final but, I can say that taking anatomy will help me in my career of being a nurse. I owe it all to Mr. Ludwig to get me through high school and all my science classes and even nursing school 'cause you know you need to know your anatomy! Cant wait for Patho! 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Standard 6 3rd Quarter

So far in Anatomy and Physiology  we have had 6 blog posts, 1 test. This third quarter I thought that I did really well. My posts were really thorough and explain the topic well. The best posts i would say I have is the Schizophrenia and Neurophysiology Lab and the other blogs as well. I did quite a few of these by my self and put a lot of effort into them but most I did with a partner because they were mostly labs.  My worst post is the brain, only because I didn't put as much effort as I would want to. Some details I could work on is bringing in outside media sources like more pictures or you tube videos. I did put more media into the posts because I used a keynote presentation and it was beautiful (schizophrenia) and I put pictures into pretty much all posts. I would say that my work is "4" material. I do put a lot of effort and time for each post and try to keep the work 4 material. I want to keep the standard of my work high so I don't slack off, procrastinate (all though senioritis is starting to kick in), or turn in not quality work. That would be my goal for next quarter also to use more media sources and other sources and not procrastinate   

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Heart Anatomy

This is a power point about the anatomy of the heart. We had a group of four people and divided all 20 parts of the heart into 5 to explain. Mine were: Pulmonary capillary, Pulmonary vein, Pulmonary venule, Right atrium, and Right Ventricle.

Before we started exploring the heart Mr. Ludwig had us take a pre test and guess where the parts are. I didn't do so hot. As you can see below its crazy messy.

After that messy attempt Mr. Ludwig gave us the answers and explained what does what and where it is at. As you can see below it looks like I know something right? Well in case you were wondering I took a test on this crazy system and....................

Below is my test score I got a 19/20. I missed one :( It made me very frustrated but I got the hang of the heart and the system!! GO ME!

The Brain

This is a powerpoint about the brain and how I can cut it up!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Neuromuscular Reflexes Lab

This is a powerpoint that explains neuromuscular reflexes by using the common method.... hitting the knee with the reflex hammer!! This lab write up explains everything that happened with in our victims nervous system!