Wednesday, September 4, 2013


What is Homeostasis you might ask well in general terms it is "the ability to maintain a relatively stable internal environment in an ever-changing outside world"(Mr. Ludwig's notes). In my terms Hemostasis is the body adapting to a certain environment.

 With Homeostasis the internal environment of the body has a very delicate state of equilibrium. Equilibrium is a state of balance. As an example of this balance regulation of blood sugar or even hypothermia. The body has to regulate its self to keep it in balance. To keep this balance the body uses the negative feedback system if you have low blood sugar or a low glucose level the pancreas will release glucagon into the blood strew where the liver breaks down the glycogen stores and releases glucose into the blood where then your blood sugar or glucose level will rise to a normal state. The negative feed back system isn't just for bad situation like the one stated above it can also work in reverse. If a person has a high amount of blood sugar or high glucose level the pancreas stimulates insulin to bring it down which travels to the liver to be distributed into the blood and then the sugars will lower to a normal level.

Another "feedback" is Positive feedback. Positive feed back is the output enhances or exaggerates the original stimulus. That definition is hard to understand an easy way to think about this system is that if you have a cut your body clots it. This is  because the first set of  "clots" will arrive at the scene of the cut and send a chemical stating that it will need reinforcements so more clots will come and this process will happen until the cut is clotted and scabbed. That is an easier "feedback" than negative.

Some Key terms and pints to remember:
 Receptor-Monitors the environments and responds to changes (stimuli)
Control Center-Determines the set point at which the variable is maintained
Effector-Provides the means to respond to the stimulus.
Chemical, thermal, and neural factors interact to maintain homeostasis


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